Poetry,  Saudade

I’m forgetful

I may forget your name
but i’ll remember your story.
I may forget my way
but i’ll remember places
that have made me feel at home.
I may forget the time
because i’m so absorbed in the moment.
I may forget big dates
but remember smaller moments 
of life and loss,
lament and laughter.
Perhaps I’m a little forgetful
because i’m busy remembering
all the important things.

I find it fascinating that humans process and retain information so differently. What stands out to me so vividly may be completely overlooked by others. I believe writers can be a little forgetful because we’re busy observing the things that bring richness to our words, characters and stories.

What are your ‘unforgettable’ things?

Feature image provided by David Iskander on Unsplash

Asian Australian writer sketching honest words from a hope-filled heart.