Faith,  Poetry

Love Is No Longer My God

I once believed that love was a feeling—sizzle and spark, sustained by soulmates and kindred spirits.
Love was that special something. It not only had to feel right, it also had to feel good.

I once believed the best kind of love was risky and reckless, impulsive and impetuous, until it was no longer—the signal to part ways. I thought that fanning love’s sparks would keep my soul alive, but it only left me smoked by lust and lies—consequences of dancing too close to flame.

Shattered and singed, I learned to fix my eyes on a greater Love; renewing my mind, slowing down impulses. I learned that Love is more than a feeling.

Love is a verb, a choice, a measured and steadfast commitment to another.

Love is patient, persevering with what is different and unloveable.

Love cancels no one but delights in restoration.

Love withers in the soils of self-perseveration, but flourishes with selflessness and sacrifice.

Love can be expressed with pen and poetry—but it must also be demonstrated with action and truth.

Love is no longer my god. A feeling so fickle cannot dictate my life. An emotion so indecisive cannot stand as my truth.

God calls me to a Love that is:

God is Love—the essence of every longing, the source of every desire, and He demonstrates it in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

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How has God shaped or changed your perceptions on love?
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Asian Australian writer sketching honest words from a hope-filled heart.


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