While social media can help us to stay connected, the reality is that friendships cannot flourish behind screens and facades. My reflections on vulnerability in friendship.
Putting your trust in someone else is an emotional risk that can come with hurt and disappointment. My personal story of how I discovered that Jesus is worthy of my trust.
Be inspired by Ed, a Special Needs father who loves life and inspires gratitude and joy in the hearts of all who meet him.
Josh demonstrates to me, a child’s capacity for love and compassion. When Josh respects and honours his brother with Special Needs, he teaches others to do the same.
Hot tears of nostalgia began to blur by vision. Surrounded by peeling walls and dated furniture, I was standing in my safe place.
Growing up in a migrant home, I was always so consumed by what I didn’t have, not knowing that behind the scenes, my mum had fought to give me her all.
The pursuit of greatness comes at a cost. In this review, I examine the rise, fall and redemption of P. T. Barnum in light of his shame and need for acceptance.