Learning to hope again
My faith has not made me immune to pain but it has infused me with hope. Here are some stories that will encourage you to hope again.
Closing the Cultural Gap
Growing up, my relationship with my dad was a battleground between Eastern and Western values. This is our story of finding hope and reconciliation in brokenness.
Happiness: The Impossible Pursuit?
Although happiness is an impossible pursuit, God has given me a better pursuit that is possible in this lifetime.
Do your friends know you, really?
While social media can help us to stay connected, the reality is that friendships cannot flourish behind screens and facades. My reflections on vulnerability in friendship.
Wherever you are, be all there.
What's the deal with our generation's struggle with FOMO and the quarter-life-crisis? How my faith has helped me to be present in every season of life.
Who Do You Trust?
Putting your trust in someone else is an emotional risk that can come with hurt and disappointment. My personal story of how I discovered that Jesus is worthy of my trust.
Running For An Angel | Chapter 5: Ed
Be inspired by Ed, a Special Needs father who loves life and inspires gratitude and joy in the hearts of all who meet him.
Why is it so hard for a good man to be king? Reflections from Black Panther
Why do bad things happen to good kings? Is this reality a reflection of the king, or the people they are called to lead?
When Greatness Is Just for Show: Reflections From the Greatest Showman
The pursuit of greatness comes at a cost. In this review, I examine the rise, fall and redemption of P. T. Barnum in light of his shame and need for acceptance.