New Hymn: Lift Your Voice

Jane Kang and I are pleased to share our second collaboration! “Lift Your Voice” is a modern hymn inspired by Psalm 103 and the book of Ecclesiastes. In a year turned upside down by change and chaos, “Lift Your Voice” speaks of God’s eternal and faithful nature in every season of life. Although the future may be full of unknowns and uncertainty, we hope that this hymn will redirect your gaze to the One who is seated firmly on the throne, and whose rule and word will endure forever.

“Abide” and “Lift Your Voice” is now available on Spotify and included in my “Hymns of Hope” Spotify Playlist.

Listen to “Lift Your Voice” here. Lyrics are recorded below.

Verse 1
As autumn leaves fall and fade to gold                               
And flowers bud through springtime’s call
As seasons come and seasons go,
In a mist, I am here and I am gone

Yet as sure as the dawning of morning sun                      
Is the steadfast love of Christ
Come awake my soul, arise!
He is worthy to be praised

Chorus 1
Lift your voice to the risen Saviour
His throne endures forever
O He conquered the grave, sing aloud his name
Proclaim the vict’ry won

In ev’ry season, he is still our God
His word endures forever
Though we’re fickle and frail, our God never fails 
O sing of his faithful love

Verse 2
Vain hopes and dreams, I surrender to thee
With every step led by your will
Lord teach me to number my days
So that I persevere with heaven’s race

Pre-Chorus 2
As far as the east is from the west
So far has he removed my sins 
Come awake my soul, arise!
He is worthy of all praise

Chorus 2
Lift your voice to the King of mercy
His ways no one can fathom
All our debt has been paid, every sin washed away
Death is overcome

In ev’ry valley his mercies are new
With him we will never thirst 
Heaven without pain, every tear wiped away
O sing of eternity’s song