‘Closing the Cultural Gap’ is Getting Published!

My dad and I are excited to announce that ‘Closing the Cultural Gap‘ will be published in Three Dummies in a Dinghy, the title of the 2018 ‘Stories of Life‘ anthology. ‘Stories of Life’ is an Australian writing competition which exists to ‘encourage excellent writing because powerful stories are vital for sharing the gospel with a world hungry for truth’. When I stumbled upon the competition, I immediately fell in love with their vision because God has used simple but powerful stories to connect with my heart and mind.

The Power of Story Telling

I love the Bible. I love that I can know a God who uses words to connect with His people. I used to think that the Bible was a boring textbook, packed with complex theology that was irrelevant to everyday life. However, when I took the time to read it, I realised it was filled with true stories involving relatable characters and real-life circumstances.

I used to think that the Bible was a boring textbook, packed with complex theology that was irrelevant to everyday life.

I see the acceptance of God in the way He restores the tearful ‘sinful woman’ who was shamed by ‘good’ religious leaders. I see the compassion of God when he forgives the adulterous woman after she was exposed by an angry crowd. I see the patience of God when he befriends the Samaritan woman, a social outcast who had failed to meet community standards. Over the years, I have learned that God illustrates His wisdom through simple stories filled with raw emotion and beauty. As His representative, I should strive to do the same.

Publishing my ‘Secret’ Story

Photo supplied by backinthedayboutique.

Since I have no formal training or writing experience, I asked God to help me put together a heart-felt story that would bring hope to ordinary people. During one particular brainstorming session, I opened my Drafts box and uncovered a journal entry that I had written while on a return flight back to Brisbane. After spending a week with old friends and family in Sydney, I found myself in a place of profound nostalgia. My heart was brimming with joy but it also ached with the absence of presence that I feel with every goodbye.

As the small talk with the stranger next to me trailed off, I closed my eyes and sought solace in childhood memories that reminded me of home. The first picture that came to mind was a ‘101 Dalmations’ barking alarm clock; a symbol of sadness and sacrifice, laced together with love and hope. Inspired by nostalgia, I began to write. I never imagined that such an intimate memory would today be published publicly onto paper.

Two weeks before the competition deadline I had a handful of polished stories and one secret story that would unveil my hurt and shame. I knew deep down that God wanted me to submit the latter. When I showed my secret story to my dad I expected him to push back in order to save face. Instead, he encouraged me to submit it. He said that if my words and experiences could help migrant families like ours to heal, he was willing to put his pride on the line. Impressed by Dad’s humility, he inspired me to do the same.

An Unfinished Story

Although Dad and I have reconciled, our story is far from perfect. The gap is closing but in reality it will always exist. We’re still learning to love and forgive like our Heavenly Father and there are many days when I just want to revert back to old ways. Outside of eternity, ‘Closing the Cultural Gap’ is an unfinished story but because I have faith in our final chapter, I will continue to write with hope.

My old man: a wordsmith at heart, a storytelling evangelist, and an ordinary man of incredible faith.

Three Dummies in a Dinghy and Other Stories of Life

Three Dummies in a Dinghy and Other Stories of Life‘ features ordinary people with extraordinary stories of faith and life. Some tales are humourous, others are entertaining and upbeat. But not all are happy stories.

Many writers describe how they were found by a loving God in the midst of doubts and great suffering, and the circumstances don’t always get easier. But the message still comes through loud and clear that God is faithful, near and active in the lives of ordinary people.

The anthology is now available for purchase!

Copies available from  Koorong OnlineMorning Star PublishingBook Depository and Amazon.