I woke up on Monday morning with an inbox full of messages from friends and strangers who wanted to cheer us on in our work in Brisbane. Somehow, the story of a small, ordinary, and far-from-slick church plant had made it onto the front page of a national news network.
A month ago the ABC approached us for an interview on church planting. They wanted to know why we would start a new church in a country where churches are closing, and Christianity is on the ‘decline’. They were also keen to find out why we chose to plant in the suburb of Sunnybank, and the reasons behind church growth.
Let’s be honest, my immediate response was fear. I wanted to shy away. I wasn’t ready to ‘go public’ with my beliefs. Who am I to speak on behalf of church planters? What could I possibly share that would be helpful? What would Australia think of us, when our faith is far from popular? As I wrestled with my fears, the Spirit convicted me of the importance to speak truth even if my voice trembles.
Although not everything we shared made it into the article, the journalist did a fair job in capturing the essence of our story and reporting it in an unbiased manner. She was attentive throughout the interview process and showed a genuine interest in learning about our faith, culture and upbringing as second generation migrants.
While the article may at times, paint the church planting ‘industry’ as a booming and innovative business opportunity; ultimately our faith in Jesus and His love for all people without favouritism is the how and why behind everything we do. While the article’s mention of online marketing and strategy has certainly played a part in our church’s growth, we know that it is our God who is doing the spiritual impossible of pursuing and transforming hearts.
It is my prayer that our story will help fill the seats of church plants across Australia. It is also my hope that millennials will join us in stepping out in faith and speaking up in truth. As the Australian church seeks to navigate itself in a post-Christian and postmodern culture, now more than ever, we need to hear the voice of millennials. We need your insight into life and culture. We need your courage and stories of faith. Millennials, don’t waste your story.
Read the full feature article on ABC News.
If you have questions, comments or want to learn more about church planting, feel free to leave a comment or contact me.